This Sunday we will have Bible Study at 9:00 AM and worship at 10:15 AM. You can watch the Sunday School Bible Study at 8:00 AM with Aubry on Facebook and the morning worship will be on YouTube at 10:15 AM.
Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church is so focused on Christ’s love, others are attracted to our celebration! Our dream is for you to become part of our celebration of Jesus.
Bro Jerry will preach on the “Seven Statements from the Cross” beginning March 16.
Star and Rocket Awards
Star and Rocket Awards at Northeast Elementary on Tuesday, March 25. We celebrate these students with photos and gift bags.
Wednesday Services
Supper at 5:00 PM then we have our Wednesday Night Bible Study at 6:00 PM. Adults will be in the Fellowship Hall. Children have choir on third floor then go to Bible Study in the Activities Building. Youth have their Bible Study in the Student Building. Adult Choir at 6:00 PM in Choir Suite.
Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church
4032 Poplar Springs Drive Meridian, MS 39305 (601) 485-5106